IoTempire - Mission and Purpose
Mission and purpose of the IoTempire
Apart from providing news and a central point for people interested in IoT, our goal is to build a community here.
This community stands for:
Developing and shaping a sustainable, sensible IoT.
Bridging between corporate and maker world, artists and engineers
Helping and smoothing the transition from tinkerer to business and back. With this round-trip, we want to especially facilitate entrepreneurship and volunteer community projects.
Creating a middle ground between industry and academia, but still focusing on education and pedagogy, enabling people to understand, apply, and shaping the IoT are all important goals for us
Paying attention to privacy and security. Let's try to prevent or at least fix the Internet of Broken Things (IoBT)
Respecting and integrating the arts. We see the arts as an facilitator for all of the above (creativity, motivation, risk-less experimentation without borders) and are therefore especially keen on displaying and supporting arts projects.
embracing and welcoming anybody who is interested in steering the current state of industrial and consumer Internet of Things away from the business model resembling early Internet history, when fatal mistakes bankrupt the first large web and network providers. The improvements to a closed-off network that our vision carries allows users to leverage an open network of things to their individual advantage.
Providing instructions as online material as well as personal face to face workshops.
Informing industrial groups through consultation.
Building the reputation of all community members as technology integrators.
Creating interoperability: For example, a Home Automation OEM might use parts from different brands with incompatible technologies and profit from our proficiency at integrating the things into one network.
Providing a niche perspective of opening otherwise closed systems by producing online workshops, delivering physical lectures, and providing consulting services.
Some of these points have been borrowed from a parallel activity of some of our authors, please also check out uniwot.